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Applying a jointing strip

Are you struggling with the final delicate but necessary step in finishing: jointing? Watch this video and take advantage of the advice from our technical expert, Jérémy Poupart. He will show you how to apply joint tape using Prestonett J rapid, a fast-setting powder joint treatment compound!

Steps to achieve perfect joint strip application

The key to a flawless finish on your project is perfect joint tape application. Before finishing, it’s crucial to conduct a preliminary assessment and check the condition of your wall substrate. The gap between the boards should not exceed 2 mm. Also, make sure the screws are well-sunk; if not, fill the holes with Prestonett Interior Filler.

There are different types of compounds for joint treatment: powder compounds and ready-to-use paste compounds. The choice depends on the project size, temperature, and speed of execution.

  • Chose a fast-setting joint filler for cold weather or if you need to reapply the tape within the same day.
  • Slow-setting joint filler is suitable for hot weather and larger projects, allowing for a longer working time.
  • Ready-to-use joint filler is convenient as it requires no preparation, you can use exactly what you need, and there’s no need to transport water.

In this video, Jérémy uses Prestonett J rapid because he needs to reapply the tape within the day.

Steps to apply joint tape on the ceiling

The first step is the preparation: if using a powder compound, pour water into a bucket according to the package instructions, then sprinkle in the compound. Mix with a stirrer until smooth and lump-free.

You’ll need two blades (one 20 cm and one 10 cm) and high-quality paper tape for better results. Measure and pre-cut the tape to save time and effort. Jérémy shares his tip: dampen the tape and wring it out for easier and quicker adhesion.

Applying the compound: butter the tapered edges first. Identify the axis of your boards, fold the tape horizontally, which helps in positioning it immediately. Place the tape against the compound and press it with your blade to remove excess compound.

Second pass : Apply a second layer of compound immediately after the first. Working with a partner simplifies ceiling jointing, but if you’re working alone, hang the tape roll on your step ladder for easier handling.

Let the compound dry for the time indicated on the packaging.

Cover the tape with a finishing layer wider than the previous one. If dealing with different materials, use acrylic mastic for junctions with concrete or other materials.

After 24 hours of drying, sand with 150-180 grit sandpaper. An electric pole sander can ease the sanding process.

Let it rest for 6 hours, then apply another finishing layer wider than the previous one.

Final Steps: Sand and dust off the joints. You can apply a full coating before painting.

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